Learn How to Make Your Website Accessible to All Visitors

Web Accessibility: How To Design Your Website For All Users

In today’s digital age, it’s essential to create a website that is accessible and user-friendly for everyone, including the millions of people with disabilities. Web accessibility not only promotes inclusivity but also leads to increased engagement and better search rankings for your website.

In this blog post, we’ll dive into the importance of web accessibility, explore best practices in designing an accessible website, discuss valuable tools and resources available, and debunk common myths surrounding this vital aspect of online success.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure your website caters to all users’ needs without compromising its aesthetic appeal or functionality.

Person with visual impairment using a magnifying glass to view a website

Understanding Web Accessibility

Web accessibility refers to designing websites that can be used by all users, including those with disabilities, and this is crucial for providing equal access to information and services online.

Provide text alternatives for non-text contentText equivalents must be provided for any non-text content, such as images, audio, and video.
Don’t rely on color aloneColor should not be used as the only way to convey meaning or provide instructions.
Ensure proper keyboard navigationThe website should be easily navigable using the keyboard.
Support assistive technologiesEnsure that the website is compatible with assistive technologies such as screen readers.
Some Web Accessibility Requirements

Definition And Importance

Web accessibility is the practice of ensuring that your website, system, or application is designed in a way that allows everyone, including people with disabilities, to access and benefit from its content.

This means creating an online environment where users with various abilities can easily navigate, understand, and interact with your site effectively.

The importance of incorporating web accessibility cannot be overstated. With around one billion people worldwide experiencing some form of disability – that’s about 15% of the global population – it makes good business sense to ensure your website caters to this significant audience as well.

Moreover, by designing an accessible website for all users regardless of how they access the internet (whether through assistive technologies like screen readers or keyboard navigation), you are also showing commitment towards social responsibility and improving brand reputation in today’s inclusive marketplace.

Furthermore, adhering to web accessibility guidelines helps avoid legal issues related to non-compliance with legislation such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Person using a screen reader to access a website

Legal Requirements And Compliance

As a business looking to design a website, it’s crucial to understand the legal requirements and compliance standards associated with web accessibility. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is one of the most important regulations you’ll need to be aware of, as it mandates that state and local governments, as well as businesses open to the public, must ensure their websites are accessible for users with disabilities.

In addition to ADA compliance, adhering to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) is another essential step in creating an accessible website. These guidelines provide detailed recommendations on making your site accessible to people with various disabilities.

By addressing both ADA and WCAG requirements, you can make significant strides towards ensuring equal access for all users while avoiding potential legal issues down the line—such as lawsuits or fines—and ultimately protecting your brand reputation.

Person using a keyboard to navigate a website

Principles Of Web Accessibility

As a business seeking to avoid website design mistakes, it’s vital to understand the four main principles of web accessibility.

Firstly, perceivable means ensuring that all website content is presented in ways that can be easily perceived by various users. For example, this might involve providing alt text for images so screen readers can relay their purpose to visually impaired users or using closed captioning or transcripts for audio content.

Secondly, operability focuses on making all interactive elements easy to use with different input methods, such as keyboard navigation or touchscreens on mobile devices.

The third principle revolves around creating an understandable experience where information is conveyed clearly and uses predictable patterns – think well-organized layouts with clear headings and labels.

Lastly, robustness emphasizes compatibility across established user agents such as web browsers or assistive technologies — your site should remain accessible as technology advances without requiring constant updates or revisions.

Person with hearing impairment using closed captioning on a video

Best Practices For Designing An Accessible Website

Use proper HTML markup and code structure to ensure that assistive technologies can easily navigate and understand the content on your website.

Use Proper HTML Markup And Code Structure

As an SEO and copywriter, I have learned that using proper HTML markup and code structure is crucial to ensure web accessibility. Here are some tips to help you avoid common mistakes:

1. Use HTML tags correctly: Proper use of HTML tags is essential for screen readers because they detect the tags and interpret them based on their structure. Stick to semantic HTML, as it allows assistive technologies to parse the content better.

2. Provide text alternatives: Screen reader users cannot see images, so provide descriptive alt text that describes the image’s content. Alt text helps users understand what the image represents.

3. Ensure proper color contrast: Color contrast is vital for people with vision impairments or color blindness. Text color should contrast enough with its background so it can be easily read.

4. Optimize for keyboard navigation: Some users cannot use a mouse, so ensure that all functionality on your website can be accessed using only a keyboard. Also, make sure that focusable elements like links and form fields are in a logical order when tabbed through.

5. Create accessible tables: Tables should be structurally simple, use appropriate header cells, and have row and column labels for screen readers.

By following these best practices for HTML markup and code structure, businesses can design accessible websites that cater to all users’ needs, including people with disabilities.

Title: Accessible Website Example | Alt: We

Provide Alternative Text Descriptions For Images

As a web designer, it’s important to provide alternative text descriptions for images on your website. Alt text is a brief description of the image that screen reader users, including those who are blind or have low vision, will hear instead of seeing the actual image.

Not only does this help those with disabilities access your content, but it also improves your website’s accessibility and can even boost search engine optimization (SEO).

When writing alt text, keep it concise and accurate while still providing enough information for someone to understand what the image is conveying. For example, if you have an image of a person walking their dog in a park, an appropriate alt text could be “Person walking their dog in the park.” Avoid generic phrases like “image” or “picture,” and be sure to use proper punctuation and grammar in your descriptions.

Ensure Proper Color Contrast

Proper color contrast is essential for designing an accessible website. This means using high-contrast colors for text, buttons, and other elements to ensure readability for all users.

For example, placing white text on a light-colored background can make it difficult or impossible for visually impaired users to read.

It’s also important not to rely solely on color to convey information since some users may be unable to perceive certain hues. Providing visual cues such as underlining links or adding icons alongside important information can help everyone understand your content better.

Website that is accessible, with clear and legible text

Create Easy-to-use Navigation And Interface

As a website designer, I understand that creating easy-to-use navigation and interface is crucial for designing an accessible website. A user-friendly site should have clear and concise menus, easy-to-read content, and easily clickable links.

It’s important to ensure that users can navigate the site with ease using only a keyboard or other assistive technology like a screen reader.

By implementing these accessibility best practices in your website design process, you’re making it easier for people with disabilities to access your site more independently.

You’ll also be providing an optimal experience for all users – not just those with disabilities – which could lead to higher engagement rates and increased traffic on your site.

Website that is compatible with different browsers

Make Videos And Audio Files Accessible

As a business owner, you might have videos and audio files on your website as part of your marketing strategy. However, it’s crucial to make them accessible to all users, including those with disabilities or impairments.

This can be achieved by providing captions or transcripts for videos and audio descriptions for images used in the media files.

Accessibility features like closed captioning can be added through several tools available online that are free of charge. It is also essential to test the media files using assistive technologies like screen readers to ensure they are accessible for visually impaired users who rely on such technologies while browsing websites.

Making your website more accessible will lead to increased engagement from different user groups and improve user experience overall.

Test With Assistive Technologies

As someone who values accessibility in website design, I always recommend testing your website using assistive technologies. Here are some tools and tips for doing so:

1. Screen reader software: Use screen reader software like NVDA, JAWS, or VoiceOver to navigate your website using only keyboard commands.

2. Keyboard-only navigation: Turn off the mouse and test all features of the website to ensure that they can be reached with keyboard-only navigation.

3. Color contrast analyzer: Use color contrast analyzer tools to check that text and background colors meet minimum accessibility standards.

4. Browser extensions: Install browser extensions such as WAVE, Axe or WebAIM to perform automated accessibility audits of your website.

5. User testing with people with disabilities: Conduct user testing sessions with people with disabilities to get feedback on how accessible your website is for them.

6. Accessibility validator tools: Run your web pages through online accessibility validator tools such as AChecker or Wave to identify any potential issues.

By testing your site with assistive technologies, you can ensure that it’s accessible for everyone, including those using screen readers, browsers without JavaScript support, and those who rely solely on keyboard navigation. Remember that creating an accessible website benefits all users, not just those with disabilities – so it’s worth investing time and effort into making sure your site is inclusive for everyone who visits it.

Ensure the website is perceivableInformation and user interface components must be perceivable to all users, including those with visual or hearing impairments.
Make the website operableThe website should be operable by all users, including those with physical or cognitive impairments.
Ensure the website is understandableThe website should be understandable by all users, regardless of language or literacy levels.
Create a robust websiteThe website should be compatible with a variety of technologies, including older versions of web browsers.
Web Accessibility Guidelines

Tools And Resources For Ensuring Web Accessibility

There are many tools and resources available for ensuring web accessibility, including accessibility checkers, guidelines and standards, as well as testing with assistive technologies.

Accessibility Checkers And Validators

As a website designer or developer, you can use accessibility checkers and validators to identify and address accessibility issues before making your website available to the public. Here are some popular accessibility checker tools you can use:

1. WAVE: This is a free online accessibility checker that allows you to evaluate web content for compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

2. SortSite: This is a paid tool that can scan your entire website and provide detailed information about the WCAG 2.1 level of compliance.

3. Axe: This is an open-source tool that developers and designers can use to test their web pages’ accessibility against WCAG guidelines.

In addition to these tools, there are many other paid and free accessibility testing tools available in the market. By using them, you can easily identify areas of your website that need improvement based on varying levels of compliance with web accessibility guidelines.

WebAIMA comprehensive resource site for web accessibility, providing guidelines, tutorials, and tools.
WAVEA free accessibility evaluation tool from WebAIM to evaluate the accessibility of webpages.
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)An international consortium of organizations dedicated to developing accessibility standards for the web.
aXeAn automated accessibility testing tool from Deque Systems for evaluating the accessibility of websites.
Web Accessibility Resources

Accessibility Plugins And Add-ons

As a business owner looking to design an accessible website, it’s essential to have the right tools and resources to ensure compliance with accessibility guidelines. Here are some accessibility plugins and add-ons you can use:

1. A11y Accessibility Toolbar: This Chrome Extension provides quick access to tools that can help you identify issues affecting web accessibility, including contrast, links, headings, images, and more.

2. WebAIM Accessibility Toolbar: This Firefox add-on is a handy toolkit that helps you test for various web accessibility issues. It includes features such as text size adjustment, color contrast analyzer, and web page validation.

3. Wave Evaluation Tool: Wave Evaluation Tool is a browser extension that checks your website for errors in terms of accessibility compliance. It displays errors both visually and in the code.

4. NoCoffee Vision Simulator: The NoCoffee browser extension simulates different types of visual impairments, such as color blindness, low vision, and cataracts, to give you an idea of how users with these disabilities may perceive your website.

5. Accessible Content Checker (AChecker): This tool scans through your HTML code to check for potential accessibility issues based on several standards, including WCAG 2.0 AA and Section 508 of the US Rehabilitation Act Amendments.

By using these plugins and add-ons, along with other design best practices mentioned in this article, businesses can ensure their website is fully accessible to all users regardless of their ability or disability level.

Person using voice commands to navigate a website

Web Accessibility Guidelines And Standards

As web designers, it’s crucial that we understand and follow web accessibility guidelines and standards. These guidelines ensure that websites can be accessed by everyone, including people with disabilities.

It’s not just a legal requirement but also a moral obligation to design our websites for all users.

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has developed the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), which provide specific instructions on how to make web content more accessible.

WCAG is an international standard used by businesses worldwide, making it easier for people with disabilities to use the internet.

To create an accessible website, you need to consider factors such as correct HTML markup structure, alt text descriptions for images, proper color contrast, easy-to-use navigation menus, and accessible videos or audio files.

Accessibility Audits And Testing

I highly recommend performing accessibility audits and testing to ensure your website is accessible to all users. Here are some tips:

1. Conduct a “quick and dirty” accessibility audit using free tools such as WAVE or Axe, which will highlight any issues that may impact users with disabilities.

2. Hire an expert to perform a full accessibility audit for your website, which involves reviewing content, design, and code to identify barriers for people with disabilities.

3. Test your website with assistive technologies such as screen readers and keyboard-only navigation to ensure ease of use for all users.

4. Incorporate user testing with people with disabilities to get feedback on the accessibility of your website.

5. Regularly monitor and test your website’s accessibility as updates or changes are made to prevent potential barriers from being introduced.

By conducting regular accessibility audits and testing, you can ensure your website provides an inclusive user experience for everyone while avoiding legal issues or penalties related to web accessibility.

Benefits Of Designing An Accessible Website

Designing an accessible website can benefit businesses by improving the user experience for all users, increasing website traffic and engagement, avoiding legal issues and penalties, and enhancing positive brand reputation and social responsibility.

Improved User Experience For All Users

Making a website accessible doesn’t just benefit those with disabilities. It can actually improve the user experience for all visitors to your site.

For example, having clear and concise alt text descriptions for images not only helps visually impaired users navigate your website but also improves the overall flow of content for sighted users who are scanning through it quickly.

Accessibility features like color contrast checks and simplified navigation menus make it easier for everyone to use your site more efficiently.

Increased Website Traffic And Engagement

Creating an accessible website can have a positive impact on website traffic and engagement. By designing a website with accessibility in mind, you ensure that everyone, including those with disabilities, can fully access and enjoy your content.

Not only does web accessibility expand your potential audience base, but it also improves the user experience for all users. When users find your site easy to navigate and understand, they are more likely to stay longer and explore more pages of your site.

Avoidance Of Legal Issues And Penalties

As a business owner, it is crucial to avoid legal issues and penalties associated with discrimination against individuals with disabilities. Ensuring that your website is accessible to all users can help you achieve this goal.

In fact, some courts have ruled that websites are places of accommodation and must be accessible under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This means that designing an accessible website not only helps with usability for all users but also promotes inclusivity in your business.

By considering accessibility standards and compliance early on in the web design process, you can prevent discrimination lawsuits while also providing equal access to people with varying levels of abilities.

For example, recent lawsuits have been filed against companies such as Netflix, Disney, and Domino’s Pizza due to their inaccessible websites or mobile applications.

Website with clear and descriptive alt text for images

Positive Brand Reputation And Social Responsibility

As a business owner, it’s essential to showcase that you value and prioritize the needs of all your customers, including those with disabilities. Designing an accessible website can significantly contribute to creating a positive brand image for your business by allowing people to interact positively with your brand.

When users encounter accessibility issues on websites, it can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction with the brand, which could ultimately affect their willingness to do business with you.

Incorporating digital accessibility into your business policy demonstrates your commitment to creating a more inclusive and accessible digital space. This sends a powerful message about social responsibility and shows that you are not just focused on profits but also genuinely care about the well-being of all individuals who engage with your brand.

Furthermore, designing an accessible website provides numerous benefits, such as better SEO ranking, increased customer satisfaction, and improved user experience – factors that can help increase revenue for businesses in today’s competitive market.

Real-Life Examples Of Successful Accessible Websites

Discover how Airbnb, Bank of America, and National Geographic have successfully implemented web accessibility principles on their websites to improve the user experience for all users.


At Airbnb, accessibility is a top priority. The company has taken steps to make sure its website and app are accessible for all users, including those with disabilities. For example, the site features alternative text descriptions for images that provide context and allow screen reader users to understand what’s happening in the visuals.

Airbnb also utilizes Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) attributes to improve the user experience for those using assistive technologies like screen readers. These attributes help ensure dynamic content and form fields have proper labels so they are understandable by all users.

Bank Of America

As a business owner, you want to ensure that your website is accessible to all users, and Bank of America sets an excellent example in this regard. This financial institution has a comprehensive approach to accessibility that includes web accessibility.

They provide a wide range of accounts and services designed to make banking easier and more convenient for everyone. Their commitment to web accessibility aligns with the ADA web accessibility law, which removes unnecessary online barriers so everyone can have equal access to information.

By following their lead, businesses can avoid legal issues while improving the user experience for all their customers.

Bank of America is associated with real-life examples of successful accessible websites related to web design for accessibility. Having an accessible website means making sure that all users get the best possible experience while browsing your site, regardless of their disabilities or the assistive technologies they use.

National Geographic

National Geographic is one of the many notable websites setting a high standard for accessible web design. The site’s accessibility features include proper HTML markup and code structure, clear and concise descriptions for images, and easy-to-use navigation that can be used with only a keyboard.

Additionally, National Geographic ensures that videos and audio files are easily accessed by screen reader users through providing captions or audio descriptions. By prioritizing accessibility in its web design efforts, National Geographic not only provides an inclusive experience for all users but also avoids legal issues and establishes itself as a socially responsible brand.

Common Myths And Misconceptions About Web Accessibility

There are many common myths and misconceptions about web accessibility, such as the belief that it’s only for people with disabilities or that it negatively impacts design.

Accessibility Is Expensive And Time-consuming

One of the most significant myths about web accessibility is that it can be expensive and time-consuming to implement. However, this is not true. While there may be some initial costs involved in modifying an existing website for accessibility, creating an accessible site from scratch does not have to cost any more than a non-accessible one.

Furthermore, incorporating accessibility features into your website’s design doesn’t necessarily mean making significant changes or completely overhauling your site.

Accessibility Is Only For People With Disabilities

One of the most common misconceptions surrounding web accessibility is that it only benefits people with disabilities. However, designing an accessible website can improve the user experience for all users, not just those with disabilities.

For example, providing alt text descriptions for images can benefit mobile users who have limited data plans and need to disable image loading for faster browsing.

Another important fact to consider is that web accessibility addresses a wide range of disabilities beyond visual impairment, such as motor control issues or hearing impairments.

Accessibility Will Negatively Impact The Design

One of the biggest myths surrounding web accessibility is that it will negatively impact design. The truth is accessibility and good design can coexist and complement each other.

For example, when designing for users who rely on assistive technologies like screen readers or keyboard navigation, designers are forced to think about things like clear content hierarchy and easy-to-use interfaces.

These considerations not only make the website accessible but also improve the overall user experience for all users, including those without disabilities.

In short, building an accessible website doesn’t mean sacrificing aesthetics or functionality.

Next Steps For Designing An Accessible Website

Designing an accessible website is not only a legal requirement but also a moral obligation to ensure that all users can access your content. By following the best practices and using the right tools, you can create a website that provides equal access and an excellent user experience for everyone.

Remember, accessibility is an ongoing process, so keep learning and improving your skills to make your website more inclusive.

The Ongoing Importance Of Web Accessibility

As a business owner, it is essential to understand the ongoing importance of web accessibility when designing your website.

Following best practices for web accessibility not only ensures equal access for all users but can also have unexpected benefits such as increased website traffic and customer loyalty.

For example, by providing alternative text descriptions for images or videos on your site, you can make your content more accessible to screen reader users and improve their overall user experience.

The Role Of Designers, Developers, And Organizations In Improving Accessibility

As a designer or developer, it’s important to understand the impact that our work has on users. The role we play in improving website accessibility for all users is crucial.

Accessibility should not be an afterthought; it should be integrated into the design process from the beginning stages. By doing so, we ensure that our websites are inclusive and meet the needs of everyone who visits them.

Improving website accessibility benefits businesses and organizations in several ways. Building accessible websites can increase traffic and engagement and reduce the legal risks associated with non-compliance with accessibility regulations.

According to research by Click-Away Pound Survey, businesses in the UK lose about £17 billion annually due to a lack of web accessibility features for disabled people worldwide.

So how do designers and developers improve website accessibility? It starts with creating designs that accommodate multiple disabilities like color vision deficiency or mobility impairments using principles such as proper HTML markup, clear navigation labels & page titles, well-organized content structure, and sufficient contrast, among others.

Designers can use testing tools like WAVE to identify major issues on a website while developers can add ARIA attributes that enhance screen reader compatibility making it easier for visually impaired individuals to access your site’s content easily.

Final Thoughts

The importance of web accessibility for everyone cannot be overstated. Creating a website that is both user-friendly and accessible to all users should be the goal of every web designer. To accomplish this, web designers should pay attention to the design principles of accessibility, including making sure that content can be properly interpreted by assistive technologies, ensuring the website can be accessed by all users regardless of their device, and testing the website to ensure it is compatible with different browsers. Additionally, web designers should ensure that the website is free of distractions and that the design is consistent and logical. By following these principles and taking the time to test the website thoroughly, web designers can ensure that their website can be enjoyed by everyone. At Web Leveling, we know a thing or two about website accessibility and are here to help. Reach out for a consultation and start leveling up your website today!

Frequently Asked Questions About Website Accessibility

Web accessibility refers to the practice of designing websites in a way that ensures people with disabilities can access and navigate them easily. It’s important because everyone should have equal access to information online, regardless of their physical abilities.

Some common disabilities include blindness or low vision, hearing impairments, motor impairments that affect dexterity or mobility, cognitive disorders such as dyslexia or ADHD, and seizures caused by flashing lights or patterns.

There are a number of things you can do to make your website more accessible, including using alt tags on images and videos, providing transcripts or captions for audio content, ensuring text is easy to read with good contrast ratios, and allowing users to navigate using keyboard-only controls.

Yes! Many of the best practices associated with web accessibility actually benefit all users – for example, making sure navigation menus are easy to use without a mouse benefits anyone who prefers keyboard-only browsing; providing clear labeling on links helps everyone understand where they’ll be taken when clicking on something.

Author Image For Cal Hewitt

Cal Hewitt is the Founder, CEO, and Project Lead at Web Leveling, a digital marketing agency empowering small and mid-sized businesses to thrive online. With over 27 years of experience in business analysis, management, consulting, and digital marketing, Cal brings a unique perspective to every project. He specializes in website design and development, AI consulting, social media marketing, and online reputation management. Cal’s hands-on leadership style and commitment to innovation ensure that Web Leveling stays at the forefront of digital marketing trends, delivering transformative results for clients.

More About Cal Hewitt

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