Web Leveling’s Comprehensive Video Marketing Services

Have you ever wondered, “Should I create a video to bring in customers?” or “What if my video doesn’t get any views?” You’re not alone. Many businesses grapple with these questions daily. At Web Leveling, we understand the challenges and pain points you face. That’s why our video marketing services are tailored to address these concerns head-on.

Why Video Marketing is Essential

Video has become the dominant form of content on the internet. Whether it’s YouTube video marketing, Instagram video marketing, or LinkedIn video marketing, videos are more likely to catch people’s eyes than just the written word. They engage customers, ensuring they remember your brand. But creating effective videos isn’t always straightforward. That’s where we come in.

Flat illustration of a play button symbolizing video content for marketing.
Flat depiction of a camera setup capturing high-quality video content.

The Key Benefits of Video Marketing

  • Engagement: Videos, whether they’re animated explainer videos or live-action video production, engage viewers more than any other content type. Are your current marketing efforts not capturing enough attention? Videos can change that, making your brand memorable.
  • Brand Growth: Videos help grow your brand, attract more customers, and boost sales. Struggling with stagnant growth? Videos can provide that much-needed boost, driving more conversions.
  • Versatility: From promotional video production to corporate video production, there’s a video type for every business need. Not sure which type of video suits your brand? We guide you through the options, ensuring the best fit.
Flat scene of an agency workspace dedicated to crafting video marketing strategies.

Contact Us Today

Flat depiction of a marketing-centric video being produced.

Your Video Marketing Concerns Addressed

  • “Do I need high-quality videos?”: While high production value is great, even simple videos can be effective. Our video production agency can guide you on what’s best for your needs.
  • “Can I afford video marketing?”: With Web Leveling, you get cost-effective video marketing services tailored to your budget.
  • “How do I ensure my videos reach the right audience?”: Our expertise in YouTube video advertising, Facebook video ads, and TikTok marketing ensures your videos reach your target audience.

How Web Leveling Can Help

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Flat scene of a video showcasing a company's culture and values.
  • Conversation & Strategy: We dive deep into understanding your business, ensuring we craft videos with a strategy that resonates with your target audience. Feeling lost on where to begin? Our initial conversations help pinpoint your unique needs and objectives.
  • Concept Development: We turn your ideas into engaging narratives, ensuring your message is conveyed effectively. Overwhelmed by the possibilities? Our team helps streamline your vision, crafting a compelling story that resonates.
  • Production & Filming: Our video production company ensures top-notch quality tailored to your needs. Worried about the quality? Our experts ensure your video, whether long or short, meets the highest standards.
  • Video Editing: We refine your videos, adding dynamic titles and creative callouts, ensuring they’re optimized for all platforms. Concerned about the final touches? Our meticulous editing process ensures your video shines.
  • Video Delivery: We ensure smooth playback on all platforms, ensuring your audience can view your content effortlessly. Tech challenges? We handle the complexities, ensuring seamless video playback for your audience.
  • Video Syndication: Our syndication services boost your video’s visibility, ensuring it reaches a wider audience. Want to maximize reach? We ensure your video gets the exposure it deserves, driving more traffic and engagement.
Flat scene of a video emphasizing a brand's identity and message.

Video Marketing Pricing

Intro Video Package


Ideal for Businesses Wanting a Short Teaser Clip

  • 30-Second Intro Animation
  • Logo Animation and Text
  • Music and Sound Design
  • 2 Rounds of Revisions
  • HD Delivery

Social Media Video Package


Great for Regular Social Media Content

  • 60-Second Explainer or Testimonial
  • Animated Graphics and Text
  • Social Media Integration
  • Voiceover and Background Music
  • 2 Rounds of Revisions
  • Multi-Platform Delivery

Social Media Shorts Package


Perfect for YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok

  • 4 x 60 Second Short Videos Per Month
  • Can Be Repurposed from Existing Content Or Be Original Content
  • Graphics and Branding for Each Platform
  • Contact Forms Included
  • Consistent Branding

2D Animation Video Package


For Custom Motion Graphics and Illustrations

  • 90 Second 2D Animated Video
  • Detailed Script and Storyboard
  • Custom 2D Illustrations and Animations
  • Professional Voiceover
  • Original Soundtrack
  • 2 Rounds of Revisions
  • HD Delivery

Whiteboard Explainer Package


Great for Explaining Products or Services

  • 60-90 Second Whiteboard Animation
  • Illustrated Storyline
  • Animated Graphics and Text
  • Professional Voiceover
  • Background Music
  • 2 Rounds of Revisions
  • HD Delivery

3D Animation Video Package


For High-Quality 3D Animation and Effects

  • 2-3 Minute 3D Animated Video
  • Complex 3D Visuals and Animations
  • Detailed Characters and Assets
  • 5 Revisions
  • 4K Delivery

Live Action Product Video Package


Showcase Your Products or Services

  • Price Does Not Include Travel
  • 90 Second Live Action Video
  • On-Location Shoot
  • Pro Camera, Lighting, and Audio
  • Post-Production Editing
  • Licensed Music and Graphics
  • 2 Rounds of Revisions
  • HD Delivery

YouTube 5-Min Video Package


For In-Depth YouTube Content and Series

  • 5 Minute Video
  • Detailed Scripting and Visuals
  • Complex 3D Animations and Effects
  • Custom Voiceover and Soundtrack
  • 5 Revisions
  • HD and 4K Delivery

Long-Form YouTube 10-Min Video Package


For In-Depth YouTube Content and Series

  • 10 Minute Video
  • Detailed Scripting and Visuals
  • Complex 3D Animations and Effects
  • Custom Voiceover and Soundtrack
  • 5 Revisions
  • HD and 4K Delivery

Long-Form YouTube 20-Min Video Package


For In-Depth YouTube Content and Series

  • 20 Minute Video
  • Detailed Scripting and Visuals
  • Complex 3D Animations and Effects
  • Custom Voiceover and Soundtrack
  • 10 Revisions
  • HD and 4K Delivery

Video Sales Letter Package


For Highly Engaging and Persuasive Sales Content

  • Video Sales Letter (Up To 20 Minutes)
  • In-Depth Script and Visual Narrative
  • Advanced 3D Animation and Visual Effects
  • Celebrity Voiceover and Soundtrack
  • 10 Revisions and Feedback Cycles
  • 4K Delivery for Maximum Impact

Complete Video Production Package


For Maximum Visual Impact Across All Platforms

  • 60-Second Explainer Video
  • 30-Second Intro Animation
  • 90 Second Live-Action or 3D Video
  • 30 Second Outro Animation
  • Voiceover, Music, SFX
  • 10 Rounds of Revisions
  • Multi-Platform 4K and HD Delivery
Flat concept of an instructional video guiding viewers.

Incorporating Video With Other Online Marketing Services

In today’s digital age, combining video marketing with email marketing can amplify your reach. Imagine sending out an email campaign with an embedded product video production or an interview video production. It not only captures the attention of your subscribers but also drives more traffic to your website and social media channels.

We try to have an upfront conversation about deliverables and any additional costs to ensure transparency and avoid unexpected expenses.

Web Leveling is not just a video marketing agency. We’re your partners in ensuring your brand’s success. Our comprehensive services, from video production to social media video marketing, are designed to address your pain points and propel your business forward. Let’s create compelling videos together and elevate your brand to new heights!

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Video Marketing Services

You likely want to increase exposure and have heard video marketing is effective. But with minimal attention spans, amateur videos often get ignored. Creating content that captivates and converts viewers is challenging without experience. Our agency provides video psychology and optimization expertise to grab attention and drive real business growth. Don’t leave it to chance – let professionals craft your video success story.

An agency brings together creative storytelling with performance optimization expertise. We help craft messaging and narratives tailored to connect with your unique audience and address their pain points. Our production, editing, and distribution mastery shapes videos to engage viewers and motivate conversions. Don’t go it alone – let our tailored solutions help your video marketing achieve its full potential.

There are no guarantees, but a strategic agency partnership minimizes risks through research-backed creative direction, platform expertise, and performance analysis. We start by identifying high-potential topics and formats based on your audience. Ongoing optimization boosts metrics over time. But results require consistency – our team handles creation so you can publish regularly. Trusted partners with proven results can make video marketing work for you.

Absolutely! Our experience devising budget-optimized production plans delivers polished results at cost-effective rates. We recommend focusing spend on elements with the most audience impact, like compelling messaging. With planning and resourcefulness, we consistently achieve high production value aligned with limited budgets. Let us handle the heavy lifting while you get videos that connect with viewers without breaking the bank.

Our strategists excel at positioning brands as trusted industry authorities. We help craft narratives and messaging that showcase your capabilities in a warm, helpful style versus a hard sell. Demonstrating real knowledge and solutions builds credibility and connection. Let our team put your expertise under the spotlight with customized video positioning and execution.

We provide a step-by-step roadmap tailored to your goals, audience, and budget. From creative direction to production and optimization, we connect the dots so you can start strong. Begin by brainstorming your ideal customer and what would captivate them. We develop high-impact concepts from there. Don’t reinvent the wheel – our proven process sets you up for video marketing success.

Gaining visibility requires an orchestrated distribution strategy. Our integrated campaigns leverage your website, email marketing, strategic outreach, social promotion, and more. We amplify top-performing content through paid ads. With optimization, we continually improve reach and engagement. Don’t leave it to chance – our customized distribution strategies ensure your videos get seen by the right people.

While projections vary based on factors like budget and category, our strategic campaigns deliver clear ROI through increased brand awareness, website traffic, lead generation, and sales. We set key performance benchmarks and track them relentlessly. Regular reporting provides transparency while campaigns are refined over time to improve results. Our clients see substantial returns through video marketing. Let us demonstrate the proof.

Being camera shy is very common. Our directors use proven techniques to help you warm up and speak naturally. We focus scripts on your expertise versus strict presentation. Friendly on-camera coaching puts you at ease. Sharing your passion outweighs on-screen polish. But we tailor solutions for your comfort level, whether that’s on-screen roles or voiceovers. Let us increase your confidence and get your message out through video.

We craft customized solutions at all budget levels. Even modest investments generate quality videos with our creative optimization. We recommend allocating spending smartly on elements with the most viewer impact. Our cost breakdowns and clear budgets empower informed decisions. Let us take on the heavy lifting and make every dollar count through videos viewers love at rates that work for you. Call us today to discuss available options.

Even with modest budgets, our strategic creators develop polished video content that connects with your audience. We recommend prioritizing spend on compelling messaging and smooth editing over production polish. Our teams leverage affordable tools and techniques to achieve high-quality results on a budget. Let our resourcefulness provide professional, effective videos that viewers love at reasonable rates.

Rather than large volumes sporadically, we suggest starting with 1-2 videos per week and expanding gradually as you master video creation fundamentals. Give each video time to generate visibility through a coordinated promotion strategy. Quality and relevance matter far more than quantity alone. Slow and steady progress is key. Our experts tailor your ideal pace and volume for sustainable growth.

We provide an unbiased outside perspective to spark creative ideation based on your audience interests, pain points, and journey. Our team brainstorms themes and formats that engage viewers and deliver value. We also continually test new topics and review performance data to double down on what resonates best. Let us provide the content inspiration to take the stress out of video creation.

Relatability and passion outweigh perfect on-screen presence. But our creative directors use proven techniques to maximize your on-camera comfort and impact. These include delivery coaching, camera presence tips, collaborative brainstorming, and more. We also develop flexible roles to play to strengths and supplement with voiceovers. Let our experts showcase your authentic self on-camera effectively.

At any budget, we optimize resources for maximum quality and effect. For cost-conscious clients, we leverage affordable cameras, editing software, staging approaches, and more to deliver polished results. As your needs evolve, we scale production accordingly. Let our team handle technical execution while you focus on your vision and message. Call us today to discuss tools and solutions that work for you.